Cutest and Sweetest Poop Peeps
You all know marshmallow peeps, right? They’re kind of the candy corn of Easter candy. Some people hate em while others love em. I for one love them. They’re crunchy on the outside from sugar coating and soft and fluffy on the inside. How could that be a bad thing?! So marshmallow peeps are pretty much marshmallows coated in dyed sugar crystals. If you think about how simple that sentence is you will realize that they’re also super simple to make at home; all you need is sugar, gelatin, and food dye. So, without further adoodoo, let’s get poopin!
Poop Peeps Recipe
Marshmallow Peeps that look like the poop emoji.

For The Coating
For The Marshmallows
For The Eyes
Poop Peeps Recipe
Marshmallow Peeps that look like the poop emoji.

For The Coating
- 1 Cup Granulated Sugar
- 1 1/2 Teaspoons Brown Food Dye 150 Drops
- 1/2 Tablespoon Cocoa Powder
For The Marshmallows
- 1 Packet Powdered Gelatin
- 1/3 Cup Water
- 1 Cup Sugar
- 1/4 Cup Water
- 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
For The Eyes
- About 40 Mini Marshmallow
- Candy Glue
- 1/4 Teaspoon Brown Food Dye
For The Sugar Coating :
For The Marshmallows :
For the Eyes and Smiles
Recipe Source : Poop Peeps @ nomageddon
For The Sugar Coating :
- Fill a Ziploc bag with sugar and drop 150 drops of brown food dye into it. Seal the bag, and massage it to mix the food coloring well. If there are clumps, break up them up with your thumbs. It should take about 5 minutes to fully incorporate.
- Sift the contents of the bag into a baking sheet and let it air dry for about 10 minutes.
- Transfer the brown dyed sugar to a mason jar, add the cocoa powder, seal it, and shake vigorously until well combined.
- Pour it back into the baking sheet and shake a bit to spread evenly.
For The Marshmallows :
- Affix a whisk attachment to a stand mixer and fill the bowl with 1/3 cup of water. Sprinkle one packet of powdered gelatin on top and let sit for 10 minutes.
- While the gelatin mixes with the water. Pour 1 cup of sugar and 1/4 cup of water into a medium saucepan. Clip a candy thermometer to the side of the pot and turn the heat to medium. Cook until the sugar is dissolved and the temperature reaches approximately 235ºF.
- Add the contents of the pot to the mixing bowl and gently stir to break up any lumps of gelatin.
- Add the vanilla extract and turn the mixer on to medium-high speed (speed 7) and whisk until light and fluffy (About 9 minutes).
- Using a silicone spatula transfer the marshmallow to a piping bag fitted with a half inch diameter tip.
- Pipe the marshmallow directly into the sugar mixture. Make a 2 inch diameter base and then swirl it upwards to resemble tightly coiled piles of poop. Keep in mind that a poop emoji has 4 levels to it so try and aim for that many. If the mixture isn't holding its shape, let the marshmallow cool for a minute and then continue piping.
- While still tacky, dust the poops with the brown dyed sugar. If there is a even a bit of a coating you can pick up the marshmallow and gently dredge it in the sugar. They should hold their shape.
For the Eyes and Smiles
- Cut slices of mini-marshmallows with a knife. Next affix the eyes with candy glue to the poo pile. Do the same with the mouth but instead of slicing, cut the mini-marshmallow lengthwise and then cut a semi-circle out of that. Affix the smiles with candy glue.
- Make the pupils by lightly dotting brown food dye onto the eyes with a toothpick.
Recipe Source : Poop Peeps @ nomageddon
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